XLenz AR

Newspaper & Magazine

With XLenz AR Newspaper and Magazine you can try on the products in the real environment, while checking the complete catalogue and co-sharing with additional features like sending reviews and feedback and providing detailed information and training.

If you are from newspaper and magazine industry, talk to XLenz and build an immersive experience for your web pages and let your customers try on the product

Newspaper & Magazine

There are 2.5 billion people who read newspapers in print regularly and Approximately 536.6 million newspapers are circulated globally.

We can help you make words on paper more interactive and immersive, while at the same time maintaining the importance and the charm of the written word on paper.


Use Cases

Use Cases

XLenz AR takes your newspaper and magazine beyond printed page

Improved Reader Engagement

Improved Reader Engagement

Improved reader engagement can help your business provide better interaction with your customers

Provide Dynamic Content

Provide Dynamic Content

Provide dynamic content to your customers than beyond what is printed

Multimedia Experience

Turn Print Media into Multimedia Experience

XLenz AR in Print Media that takes readers beyond the printed page to a multimedia experience in various devices

Increased Circulation

Increased Circulation

XLenz AR increases your readership circulation by providing your readers better engagement and interactivity

Generate Additional Advertising Revenues

Generate Additional Advertising Revenues

With XLenz AR print media you can generate additional advertising revenues

Increased Return on Investment

Increased Return on Investment

Having XLenz AR in print media will give you high return on investment